To make training contents accessible and visible through user-friendly digital tools. |
Infrastructure development. |
A digital platform that becomes a virtual international community of practice among HEIs. |
To foster self-awareness and understanding. |
Training package development. |
National training (distant, COIL and in presence). |
External evaluation of training material. |
A training package accessible through the platform, organized in online pills, COIL, in-presence training and active training (5 days mobility in Siena). |
Identification of attendees for distance/in-presence training and for COIL; preparation and moderation of Focus Groups. |
Identification of external experts who evaluate training content. Preparation of report and amendment of training content. |
To create physical brainstorming opportunities among partners for quality, transferability and impact of training content in each territory. |
Consortium Meeting in Klaipeda. |
Short-term training mobility of students in Siena. |
Brainstorming among partners for quality, transferability and impact of training. |
Active training 5 days lasting mobility in Siena. |
To sensibilize HEI’s communities through national conferences that inform on the project results and stimulate reflection on stereotypes and prejudices as well as a new mindset. |
National Conference in Siena. |
National Conference in Klaipeda. |
Dissemination of WP activities, and promotion of training. |
Dissemination of WP activities, and promotion of training. |