- Advocate
- Agender
- Ally/LGBTQIA+ Allyship
- Androgyny
- Androsexual / Androphilic
- Aromantic
- Asexual
- Bicurious
- Bigender
- Binder
- Binding
- Biological sex
- Biphobia
- Biphobic
- Bisexual
- Cisgender
- Cisnormativity
- Cissexism
- Closeted
- Coming out
- Crossdresser/Cross-dressing
- Dead naming
- Demiromantic
- Demisexual
- direct gender / sex / sexual orientation / gender identity discrimination
- Drag king
- Drag queen
- Emotional attraction
- Equality
- Family of choice
- Feminine-presenting
- Feminism
- Femme
- Fluid(ity)
- FtM / F2M
- Gatekeeping
- Gay
- Gender-affirming health care
- Gender binary
- Gender-expansive
- Gender expression
- Gender fluid
- Gender identity
- Gender non-conforming
- Gender normative / Gender straight
- Genderqueer
- Gender reassignment
- Gender Reassignment Surgery (GRS)
- Gender role
- Gender transition
- Glass-ceiling
- Harassment
- Hate crime
- Hate speech
- Heteronormativity
- Heterosexism
- Heterosexuality
- Homophobia
- Homophobic
- Homosexual
- Human Rights
- Institutional oppression
- Internalized oppression
- Intersectionality
- Intersex
- Invisible homophobia
- Lesbian
- Living openly
- Masculine-presenting
- Microaggressions
- Micro-insults
- Micro-invalidations
- Minority stress
- Misgendering
- MtF / M2F
- Multiple discrimination
- Neopronouns
- Nonbinary
- Omnisexual
- Outing
- Pansexual
- Passing
- Patriarchal
- Polyamory
- Prejudice
- Pride rainbow flag
- Progress rainbow flag
- Queer
- Questioning
- Rainbow families
- Romantic attraction
- Sex
- Sex Assigned At Birth (SAAB)
- Sex characteristics
- Sex characteristics
- Sexual attraction
- Sexual orientation
- Sexual preference
- (Social) Equality
- State-sponsored homophobia
- Stealth
- Stereotype
- Straight
- Stud
- Third gender
- Top surgery
- Trans
- Transfeminism
- Transgender
- Transition / Transitioning
- Transman
- Transphobia
- Transphobic
- Transsexual
- Transvestite
- Transwoman
- ze / zir / “zee”, “zerr” or “zeer”/
PrEcIOUS Promoting pluralistic education in European universities to combat invisible discrimination related to LGBTQ+
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